This wooden lectern is possibly made from rimu. It has two work surfaces. The lower surface is fixed, while the other can be tilted towards the user, allowing them to rest notes upon it. Along the back of the top surface is a section that cannot be moved. This section has two indentations, a longer one to hold a pen and a shorter one to hold an inkwell.
The lower half of the lectern is stabilized with two crossed beams and a scalloped bar.
On each side, there is a handle, which can be removed to adjust the height of the lectern’s top surface. Each handle is attached to the lectern with a thin white rope.
Height 1020mm (without extension); Width 650mm; Depth 460mm
In the care of the UC Department of Classics. According to the Department the lectern was used at the Canterbury College site and travelled to Ilam campus with the Classics Department in the 1960s.
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