Potted Histories: Welcome to the Teece Museum blog!

As the nation moves into isolation as a result of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, the Teece Museum and most other museums and galleries are closing their doors. Ironically, as we all become a little more physically distant, this seems like an excellent time for the Teece to finally launch its very own blog.



It is incredibly important that we all do our bit to ensure that the community remains safe and reduce the risk of further infections. So what can a museum do to contribute in times like these? We think one of the ways we can support everyone is to reach out virtually, and provide alternative ways for the community to interact with, and enjoy, our shared heritage.

Thanks in part to many of our former interns, the Teece already has a number of digital exhibitions and resources available online. Over the next few weeks while our gallery hosts are working from home, we will be using their considerable knowledge and talents to develop more online offerings including regular blog posts. We hope to use these articles to arouse your curiosity about the ancient world, consider its relationship to contemporary society, and give you a deeper glimpse behind the scenes into the world of a university museum.